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Dieses Thema hat 17 Antworten
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Kellerkind Offline

Chris Ferguson

Beiträge: 207

30.04.2008 14:21
#16 RE: Zitate Antworten

"Holdem is like sleeping with somebody: it's all about position." Vince van Patten, WPT-Kommentator

"Every time a big pot comes up, I usually have the worst hand." Doyle Brunsen

"Das Geld ist ja nicht weg, es ist nur bei jemand anders." Michael Körner

"When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience."

"In the long run there's no luck in poker, but the short run is longer than most people know." Rick Bennet

"Play like a champ. Win like a champ. Act like a champ." Frank Henderson

"The good news is that in every deck of fifty-two cards there are 2,598,960 possible hands. The bad news is that you are only going to be dealt one of them." Anthony Holden

"Cards are war, in disguise of a sport." Charles Lamb (1832)

"Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died." Steven Wright

"Live or die on the river"

"Ich weiss nicht was die vier Neunen wert sind, aber das Ass ist ziemlich hoch." George Clooney

"Bluff when you miss, check when you hit"

"if I bet, i have something!" Gus Hansen

"Vielen Dank, meine Herren. Ich gehe jetzt erst einmal kotzen." Marcel Luske (nach dem er bei der WSOP ausschied)

"If you call this one, it´s all over baby!" Scotty Nguyen

"You may have the nuts but i've got the balls."

"Ich spiel viel lieber Off-Suite, da hab ich zwei mal die Chance auf nen Flush"

Kellerkind Offline

Chris Ferguson

Beiträge: 207

17.06.2008 19:06
#17 RE: Zitate Antworten
"Poker is like sex - everyone thinks they're the best at it, but only a few actually know, what they're doing." (Layne Flack)

"jedesmal wenn du den hammer spielst stirbt ein kleines kätzchen"

"ich spiele gerne ass mit kleinem kicker! wenn sich der kicker paart habe ich den besten kicker"

It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.” (Bobby Baldwin)

"There is no such thing as a bad beat, there is only bad play that get's lucky". (Andy Bloch)

Wenn ich Ausscheide dann mit einem All-In

"Since I got ten high, there's probably no way I'm gonna fold" (Gus Hansen)

"Poker is 100% skill and 50% luck."

"I don't know if Gus Hansen knows how to play cards that big" (Pokerkommentator zu Gus Hansens AQs)

"Ich spiel viel lieber Off-Suite, da hab ich zwei mal die Chance auf nen Flush"

Kellerkind Offline

Chris Ferguson

Beiträge: 207

22.07.2008 15:55
#18 RE: Zitate Antworten

"Um Pokerchampion zu sein, muss man eine stramme Blase haben." (Jack McClelland)

"It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money." (Rounders)

"Bad beats only happen to good players." (Joe Crow)

"There's the rest of the world - and there's me!" (Phil Hellmuth)

"This guy cant even spell P-O-K-E-R" (Phil Hellmuth)

"I dont need as much as you guys do" (Gus Hansen nachdem er ein All-In mit KQ gecallt hat)

"Wenn Du am Flop mit den Pocket 2ern kein Set triffst, hast Du auf jeden Fall drei Overcards."

"Ich spiel viel lieber Off-Suite, da hab ich zwei mal die Chance auf nen Flush"

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